Weight Loss Clinic

Tirzepatide generic for Mounjaro and Zepbound


On Saturday, May 11, 2024 we are starting an in person clinic for weight loss. We are currently accepting pre-paid registration for the clinic 616.805.3890.

As you can see, Dr. King lost 30 pounds with the program and you can too!

Registration includes obtaining family history and *labs to be sure you qualify for the program. We are using the latest technology to achieve success in weight loss, including GLP-1 and GIP agonists along with education about basal metabolic rate (BMR), body mass index (BMI) and lifestyle changes.

Our 3 month program will provide you with an evaluation, review of your labs, 1 to 2 month **supply of Tirzepatide and all the information about the weight loss journey that your brain can absorb.

Welcome to the beginning of your transformative weight loss journey. The videos describe how to preregister, how to fill a syringe and how GLP-1 and GIP Receptor Agonists work to empower your weight loss journey.

*cost of labs is not included in the fee and may be covered by your insurance.

**depending on your dose

For more information on the success of Tirzepatide check out these links:



For the coupon to save on Tirzepatide click below


Areas of Consultation



We provide evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.

With therapy and/or medication our patients are able to adjust to their changing emotional needs.

Education, Consultation & Speaking Engagements


We work with educational professionals to help them understand the impact of mental health conditions on behavior. We can assist schools, churches, hospitals and other organizations interested in providing awareness of brain chemistry to promote healthier behavior.

By using medication and/or CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) interventions we establish an awareness of triggers, reactions and possible healthy responses to difficult situations. This awareness helps people understand how cognitive distortions affect their mood which can result in conditions of anxiety, depression, psychosis and a feeling of being stuck in traumatic recollections.